Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bila Kunci Rumah Baru Sudah Dapat...

Bila kunci rumah baru sudah dapat, maka bermula episod sibuk membuat perancangan untuk pindah rumah (lagi, uh!). Kunci dah dapat? Belum..hihihi...tapi soon la, insyaallah. Lama kami menanti. Hampir 2 tahun lebih menunggu kunci rumah. Rumah dah tak serupa baru dah. Cat pun dah pudar. Pokok-pokok kecil pun dah start tumbuh...

Haiiihh.... Apa boleh buat, takdir penentu segala. Alhamdulillah, rumah kami tidak di kategorikan di antara rumah-rumah terbengkalai... masih rasa bersyuuukurrr!

Apa yang kami start fikir sekarang, apakah yang perlu kami siapkan terlebih dahulu sebelum masuk rumah dan berapa budget yang diperlukan. Oh! budget tidak begitu mengizinkan, maka rasanya perlu list down apa yang penting sahaja dahulu. Just to make sure kami boleh move to the new house as soon as possible. Bayar sewa mahal2 kat orang lama-lama, sangat rugi.

Paling penting jeriji/gril /grille untuk pintu rumah, sliding door, tingkap... Ye.. Safety first. Nak tak nak, ini kena buat dulu. Pada saat ini, kami belum buat survey kedai/ harga..tapi dengan keadaan rumah kami yang memiliki banyak tingkap, rasanya hampir separuh budget akan dilaburkan kat sini. Budget ciput, maka kami ikut kemampuan sahaja...janji selamat dan tahan lama. Simple!

Antara contoh-contoh design yang menjadi pilihan...
Gambar semua di copy paste yang diperolehi dari Mr Google.
**Kredit kepada tuan punye gambar...wink..wink..wink..**

Design ni macam cantik , tetapi rasanya budget kami tak cukup...jamu mata je laa

Yang macama ni pilihannya..simple. hope the price pun under our budget laa..

Kena pakai besi keras nih...


Semua design camni laa..


Feel free to visit her blog.. :)

Oh, masih dalam sesi menjamu-jamu mata.. mencari-cari design yang simple but nice.. Cari kedai pun belum. Hopefully by Khamis ni dah boleh panggil kontraktor mai ukur.

Dah lama kami menanti nak duduk rumah sendiri....Harapnya dapat la kunci dalam minggu ni. AMIN.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New signature..

Sebelum ni dah letak. tapi cam tak cun la..so skrg sudah bikin yg baru...ekekeke..

Korang nak cuba, just pergi ke laman web ini My Live Signature, dan klik Proceed. Nak senang klik je Using the signature creation wizard tu, dan ikut langkah demi langkah. Dah siap merekabentuk signature anda boleh lah ditepekkan di blog anda.
Mula-mula kena dapatkan HTML code signature anda. Di finish page tu, klik Want to use this signature? Kemudian klik Generate HTML Code, pilih Generate code for my handwritten signature. Code anda akan diberikan. Sekarang bolehlah ditepekkan code itu ke blog anda.
Pergi ke bahagian Settings, klik Formatting skrol ke bawah, letakkan code yang telah di copy tadi dan paste kan di bahagian Post Template. Siap! Oh jangan lupa Save Settings ya! Kalau tidak sia-sia sahaja kerja anda...hihihi...

Hi..this is my new signature... :)

Petua Agar Anak Ikut Cakap Ibubapa

Sumber di perolehi dari Facebook Pak Ngah- Farit Ismeth Emir

1.Setiap pagi, sebelum pergi sekolah, anda berdiri di belakang anak dan kedua-duanya (anak dan ibu atau bapa) menghadap kiblat.

2.Letakkan kedua-dua telapak tangan ibu/ayah yang dirapatkan atas kepala anak tanpa sentuh kepala lebih kurang 1 inci dari rambut.

3. Bacakan al Fatihah dan Alam-nash-rah... hingga habis.

4. Niat dalam hati mohon pada Allah: "Ya Allah permudahkanlah anak aku ini untuk belajar dan diterangkan hati, lembutkan hati dan ditetapkan iman dan mohon anak aku ini mendengar cakap ibu bapanya".

5. Kucup dahi anak dan biarkan dia pergi ke sekolah. Telapak tangan anda (ibu/bapa) ada aura dan gunakannya sebaik-baiknya.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stay at Home Mom

Sesuatu yang menarik untuk dikongsi bersama.
TIDAK KELUAR BEKERJA tidak bermakna IBU ini hanya mengoyangkan kakinya sahaja di rumah. Dan tidak juga bermakna duduk di rumah bebanan kerja KURANG. Hakikatnya pergi bekerja atau tidak, kerja tetap ada. Jadi tidak adil bagi pemegang title SURIRUMAH dilabelkan sebagai golongan-golongan yang kurang aktif dan tidak menyumbang.



By Carolyn Hax
Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Best friend has child. Her: exhausted, busy, no time for self, no time for me, etc. Me (no kids): Wow. Sorry. What'd you do today? Her: Park, play group . . .

Okay. I've done Internet searches, I've talked to parents. I don't get it. What do stay-at-home moms do all day? Please no lists of library, grocery store, dry cleaners . . . I do all those things, too, and I don't do them EVERY DAY. I guess what I'm asking is: What is a typical day and why don't moms have time for a call or e-mail? I work and am away from home nine hours a day (plus a few late work events) and I manage to get it all done. I'm feeling like the kid is an excuse to relax and enjoy -- not a bad thing at all -- but if so, why won't my friend tell me the truth? Is this a peeing contest ("My life is so much harder than yours")? What's the deal? I've got friends with and without kids and all us child-free folks get the same story and have the same questions.

Tacoma, Wash.

Relax and enjoy. You're funny.

Or you're lying about having friends with kids.

Or you're taking them at their word that they actually have kids, because you haven't personally been in the same room with them.

Internet searches?

I keep wavering between giving you a straight answer and giving my forehead some keyboard. To claim you want to understand, while in the same breath implying that the only logical conclusions are that your mom-friends are either lying or competing with you, is disingenuous indeed.

So, since it's validation you seem to want, the real answer is what you get. In list form. When you have young kids, your typical day is: constant attention, from getting them out of bed, fed, clean, dressed; to keeping them out of harm's way; to answering their coos, cries, questions; to having two arms and carrying one kid, one set of car keys, and supplies for even the quickest trips, including the latest-to-be-declared-essential piece of molded plastic gear; to keeping them from unshelving books at the library; to enforcing rest times; to staying one step ahead of them lest they get too hungry, tired or bored, any one of which produces the kind of checkout-line screaming that gets the checkout line shaking its head.

It's needing 45 minutes to do what takes others 15.

It's constant vigilance, constant touch, constant use of your voice, constant relegation of your needs to the second tier.

It's constant scrutiny and second-guessing from family and friends, well-meaning and otherwise. It's resisting constant temptation to seek short-term relief at everyone's long-term expense.

It's doing all this while concurrently teaching virtually everything -- language, manners, safety, resourcefulness, discipline, curiosity, creativity. Empathy. Everything.

It's also a choice, yes. And a joy. But if you spent all day, every day, with this brand of joy, and then, when you got your first 10 minutes to yourself, wanted to be alone with your thoughts instead of calling a good friend, a good friend wouldn't judge you, complain about you to mutual friends, or marvel how much more productively she uses her time. Either make a sincere effort to understand or keep your snit to yourself.